Monday, December 30, 2013

DIY Animal Key Holder

  I love these sets of animal "head and butt" hooks.

Originally I was going for a violet/silver paint color, but the people that I was making presents for are older--in their 30's and 50's. So I thought it would be better to try a gold and black design.
I butchered my plastic toy animals--Not a nice sight for two toddlers--cutting the toy heads right in front of my girls. I probably looked like an animal-hater (I'm not).

I did some hammering but ended up using screws instead of nails.

Next I gift wrapped the elephant and rhino hooks for my husband's parents and grandparents.

To finish it off, I used super glue because the glue gun was not working properly.
This elephant head project looked better in my apartment so I ended up keeping it.
Of course I added to it by finding a piece of weathered wood, which gave the piece more character.

The wood I used is better than the Michaels wooden plate. I placed some gold hooks on the piece of wood to turn them into key holders. (Hooks not pictured) The bottom photo is my favorite. I wrapped it as a Birthday/Christmas gift for my Dad.

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